Voting Rights Education: Curriculum Connections

This page provides state-specific curriculum connections for connecting the topics of voting and voting rights history to classroom curriculum and standards.

The handouts on this page are formatted for the book Equality’s Call, but you can use the listed curriculum connections on the handouts to anchor pretty much any book about voting and/or voting rights history to your classroom curriculum and state standards.

Scroll down for the list of states and the links to the guides.

Voting and the history of voting rights are important topics. Whether you use Equality’s Call with your students or some other book or resource, I encourage you to share with your students in multiple ways the importance of voting, voting rights, and civic participation. Doing so will help ensure that students are empowered from an early age to be informed, active, and effective civic participants.

Additional classroom resources about voting rights can be found on my Voting Rights page.

This page of curriculum connections handouts is under development. At present, I have thirty-two states plus the District of Columbia completed, but I will be adding to it regularly (and will do your state next upon request!). I will also update the handouts based on feedback.

Teachers, I welcome your input about these handouts! Let me know what you’d like to see included, or what I might need to update/change about the handouts to make them more useful.

Currently the handouts are only available as PDFs, and I’ve limited each one to a single page – which means the font size is sometimes rather small! As I continue accumulating info, I might also make the information available in a web page format, for improved access and readability. Stay tuned on that (and I welcome any input on what would be most useful).

(Note: I also have a resource page available on the general topic of teaching bans and curriculum restrictions. Click here to go to that page.)

((Another note: In the process of working on these handouts, I ran across a report called The State of State Standards for Civics and U.S. History in 2021, which evaluates the quality of civics and history standards in each state and the District of Columbia. The standards vary widely. You might find it interesting to take a look and see how your own state compares and contrasts to the standards and approaches of other states.))

OK, sorry for the long lead-in! Here’s the list as it stands so far:

  • Alabamapdf
  • Alaskapdf
  • Arizonapdf
  • Arkansaspdf
  • Delawarepdf
  • District of Columbiapdf
  • Californiapdf
  • Coloradopdf
  • Connecticutpdf
  • Floridapdf
  • Georgiapdf
  • Idahopdf
  • Iowapdf
  • Kansaspdf
  • Louisianapdf
  • Mainepdf
  • Massachusettspdf
  • Michiganpdf
  • Mississippipdf
  • Missouripdf
  • Montanapdf
  • New Yorkpdf
  • North Carolinapdf
  • North Dakotapdf
  • Ohiopdf
  • Oklahomapdf
  • Oregon – 2018 standards pdf – 2021 standards pdf
  • Pennsylvaniapdf
  • South Dakotapdf
  • Tennesseepdf
  • Texaspdf
  • Utahpdf
  • Vermontpdf
  • Virginiapdf
  • Washingtonpdf
  • West Virginia pdf
  • Washington DCpdf